Information from Kilmington Parish Council
Gapemouth Corner - Tree Felling
Kilmington Parish Council Update – February 2020
The Forestry Commission Felling License defines the restocking conditions for Gapemouth Corner as follows:
The Forestry Commission Felling License defines the restocking conditions for Gapemouth Corner as follows:
Part 2 - Restocking Conditions
Condition C: Restock by Natural Regeneration or Coppice.
The following conditions apply to the licenced felling in 1.
1. The land on which the felling took place is to be managed in accordance with the rules and practice of good forestry so as to secure restocking with 80% native broadleaves and 20% open ground to achieve not less than 1100 stems per hectare evenly distributed over the site by 100% natural regeneration
2. All licensed trees felled are to be removed quickly and carefully so as to avoid damage to the remaining trees or seedlings or coppice shoots.
3. The land is to be adequately Adequately protected from browsing and the young trees are to be protected against damage and weeded during the period of restocking.
4. If before 30th June 2025 the restocking described in 1. above is not achieved then the land is to be planted or sown before 30th June 2026 in order to secure a stocking of not less than 1100 stems per hectare of 80% native broad leaves and 20% open ground evenly distributed over the site.
5. For a period of 10 years from the restocking:
a. The plants must be protected against damage and be adequately weeded.
b. Any failure or losses should be replaced as necessary to provide a stocking of not less than 1100 stems per hectare evenly distributed over the site.
c. Any replanting must be properly maintained in accordance with the rules and practice of
good forestry.
Condition C: Restock by Natural Regeneration or Coppice.
The following conditions apply to the licenced felling in 1.
1. The land on which the felling took place is to be managed in accordance with the rules and practice of good forestry so as to secure restocking with 80% native broadleaves and 20% open ground to achieve not less than 1100 stems per hectare evenly distributed over the site by 100% natural regeneration
2. All licensed trees felled are to be removed quickly and carefully so as to avoid damage to the remaining trees or seedlings or coppice shoots.
3. The land is to be adequately Adequately protected from browsing and the young trees are to be protected against damage and weeded during the period of restocking.
4. If before 30th June 2025 the restocking described in 1. above is not achieved then the land is to be planted or sown before 30th June 2026 in order to secure a stocking of not less than 1100 stems per hectare of 80% native broad leaves and 20% open ground evenly distributed over the site.
5. For a period of 10 years from the restocking:
a. The plants must be protected against damage and be adequately weeded.
b. Any failure or losses should be replaced as necessary to provide a stocking of not less than 1100 stems per hectare evenly distributed over the site.
c. Any replanting must be properly maintained in accordance with the rules and practice of
good forestry.