Parish Council Members
In the May 2023 parish Council Election, there was an uncontested election, The Kilmington Parish Council duly elected is below with details of their specific responsbilities.
If you have a question, or you wish to raise an issue with the Parish Council please contact the councillor responsible as below, or the Clerk. PARISH CLERK is Adrian Jenkins >
He lives in Offwell and can be contacted via 07800 826657 or [email protected] |
Councillors Responsibilities
Chairman - Peter Ball
Vice Chairman - Stafford Seward Planning Committee - ALL Neighbourhood Plan - Peter and Stafford National Highways A35 - Peter and Stafford Residential 20mph limit - Peter and Stafford Speedwatch - Stafford Other Highways Matters - Kieran Village Hall Committee - Beverley Recreation Ground Trustees - Arnold plus 2 others yet to be agreed |
Children’s Playground - Arnold and Beverley
Arthur Hitchcock Charity (Shute) - Stafford and Mark Trees - Mark Allotments - Nicky and Kieran The Common - Peter and Stafford War Memorial - Stafford Emergency Planning - Stafford Snow Warden - (Honourary) Martin Cumbers Footpaths Officer - (Honourary) Tom Cook Responsible Finance Officer - The Clerk Internal Auditor - Westcotts |
Parish Pathways
There are several Public Rights of Way in the parish. These are managed by the Public Rights of Way section of Devon County Council in partnership with the Parish Council. The Parish Council welcomes any local residents who walk particular paths regularly and who would volunteer to make them aware of any works which need to be done such as cutting back nettles or brambles or repairing stiles.
There are several Public Rights of Way in the parish. These are managed by the Public Rights of Way section of Devon County Council in partnership with the Parish Council. The Parish Council welcomes any local residents who walk particular paths regularly and who would volunteer to make them aware of any works which need to be done such as cutting back nettles or brambles or repairing stiles.
Planning Committee
All Councillors are members of the Planning Committee. Where possible, Planning Applications are dealt with at the regular meetings. If this is not possible a special planning meeting is called. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee for the main planning authority, in this case East Devon District Council. Residents wishing to comment on planning applications should ensure that their comments are sent directly to the District Council with a copy going to the Parish Council. |
Local Representatives
Kilmington's in Newbridges Electoral Ward & District Councillor is: Iain Chubb Member of Parliament for Tiverton & Taunton is : Richard Foord, M.P. Parliamentary Office Address: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Email: [email protected] |
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