St Giles Church, Kilmington
Occasionally there are variations to our services. The Five Alive Facebook page provides up to date information on services & events.
St Giles Church maintains close links with The Baptist Church, Kilmington and joint Services are held from time to time.
St Giles Church maintains close links with The Baptist Church, Kilmington and joint Services are held from time to time.
The PCC Members are either ex-officio or elected at the AGM and number about 16 including the Deanery Synod Representatives. All Church business is conducted by the PCC including the progress of a Mission Action Plan. Two members of the PCC also serve on the Five Alive Mission Community Council. COMMITTEES The KPCC uses the Standing, Fabric, Social and Fund Raising, Worship Committees to assist with Church business. PASTORAL TEAM The Pastoral Team comprises about six elected members from the congregation whose role is to help the Vicar with pastoral care when necessary. CHOIR There is an adult choir under the musical director, Margaret Hurford. New choristers are always required and they should contact Margaret Hurford on 01297 33740. MUSIC GROUP The Music Group is made up of adult and junior instrumentalists. Those interested in joining should contact Rachel Burrough on 01297 631734. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS Please contact the Vicar for help/advice with any of these matters. View Statutory Charges. |
More ringers are required for the six bells, and those interested should contact Roger Lovegrove. LAY SERVICE LEADERS Two Lay Family Service teams and two Lay Formal Service teams are maintained. READERS Those interested in conducting Bible Readings or Intercessions should contact the Vicar or one of the Church Wardens. WORKING TEAMS Additional people are always required to help with the flower arranging, dusting, brass cleaning, coffee making, catering, clock winding, churchyard maintenance and flag raising. VISITORS/NEW RESIDENTS New members of the congregation are always warmly welcomed, and are asked to make themselves known to the Vicar and Church Wardens. COFFEE SHOP Coffee/tea is available at the back of the Church every Friday morning from 10.00 am to Noon. Everyone is welcome to come for a chat. FRIENDS OF ST GILES CHURCHYARD The League of Friends was established in early 2017 to encourage Village residents to volunteer their services to help keep the Parish Churchyard neat and tidy and to help finance the maintenance and equipment costs involved. It is hoped that everyone who has relatives buried in the Churchyard or have had their ashes interred or scattered there will join. The application form is attached with a contact number or can be collected from the back of the Church. |